Friday, December 14, 2012

A Broken World

It's not often that I blog. And when I do, I don't blog about national or global current events. It's easier to keep it strictly related to what's going on in my life. But today, I'm making an exception, because reading the stories coming from the Connecticut shooting and watching the news coverage is causing my heart to break. I cannot even imagine what those students, parents, teachers, friends and families are going through. I'm recalling memories of 8th grade when my own school faced the tragedy of two of my classmates dying in a car accident. The world may keep on turning, and although those not connected to the situation may stop for a moment or two to offer up a prayer or condolence, their lives quickly return back to the way they were, with routines and deadlines and everything in between. But for those directly affected by the tragedy, their worlds have come to a complete standstill, and sunny days have been replaced with stormy skies. 

I know it's not possible for me to fully grasp and understand the utter devastation that all those directly affected by this tragedy are facing, yet I can't help but try to put myself in the shoes of the students, and how terrified they must have felt when shots were ringing through the school, and even now as it sinks in that they'll never see certain friends again. Or the parents, after hearing that there were shots at their child's school, dropping everything to race to the scene, only to find that they are helpless to do anything except wait. These thoughts continue, and my eyes fill with tears as pain fills my heart.

Life is so fragile, and tragedies like this remind us of that. So often I take for granted the fact that I woke up that morning, or that I'm surrounded by family and friends who love and support me. All too suddenly, something like this can happen, and what then? The world is turned upside down. But the reminder that our time here on earth is limited also brings with it a sense of urgency to be spreading the gospel. This world needs Jesus, and it's never more evident than when evil such as this is so apparent. We are broken, and in need of a Savior.

But in the midst of all this, it's all too easy to blame God. In our heartbreak, we turn our tear filled eyes toward the heavens and cry, "Why? Why do innocent children have to die?" There is no simple answer to this. But I urge you not to allow this tragedy, this hurt, this evil to cause you to turn away from God, or point to this and say, "See? This is proof that God does not exist. A good, perfect, and loving God would not allow this to happen. He would not have allowed those children and teachers to die." The fact is, as a loving Father, God created us with free will, and we chose to disobey Him. We are the reason for sin in this world. God is the Supreme Good, and evil is the absence of good, just as dark is the absence of light. But the answer God provides for our suffering is not some abstract idea, since pain is not an abstract issue. The answer God provided was sending His own Son to experience this very same earth we do. To share in our struggles; to face rejection, grief, betrayal, and ultimately death on a cross as He bore the sins of the world. What we desire most when tragedy befalls us is not an explanation, but presence. That's why Jesus came as an infant, whose birthday we celebrate on Christmas. He lived, shared in our sufferings, was crucified on a cross in our place, and rose again, so that our relationship could be restored with the Father. No one understands our suffering better than God. Who are we to say that we could run this world better than God, or create our own earth where suffering does not exist? Because a world void of the potential of suffering is a world void of free will.

Years ago, my siblings and I sang this song at our church. As I reflected on the events of today, and of the approaching Christmas holiday, it came to mind, and I haven't been able to stop listening to it. I encourage you to give it a listen as well. It ties together our suffering, and how the world is desperately in need of Jesus, which is why He came down to earth. A good reminder this Christmas season. Our focus shouldn't be on the presents or commercialism, but on celebrating Jesus' birth and being thankful for our loved ones.

"God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains. It is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world."
-C.S. Lewis

Friday, November 23, 2012

Always a Reason to be Thankful

Yes, I know, I'm a day late. I didn't intend to be, but yesterday was a bit rushed, between an early Thanksgiving meal with the family and then rushing to be to work by 2, and working til nearly midnight.
However, I wanted to take a moment to share some of the things that I am truly thankful for.

Being at Whitewater, where I've had so many incredible opportunities to grow and learn. And though I may have trouble remembering sometimes, I'm thankful for this crazy and challenging semester that often has me on the brink of insanity. It's pushed me to my breaking point, but I know now that I can and will survive, no matter how crazy life gets.

For my friends - old and new, near and far - who help me with homework, help me study, stay up with me to all hours of the night, make me encouraging posters, write me notes and stick them all over my stuff, send me encouraging texts and letters, give me hugs when I'm struggling to keep it together, make me laugh, share inside jokes with me, eat breakfast with me, pray with me and for me, offer a listening ear when I just need to talk, and challenge me to be the best that I can be. I am reminded again and again (and continue to be blown away by!) just how incredibly blessed I am with the amazing friends that I have. I honestly don't know what I would do without them.
Especially my roommate, who is absolutely the best!

As cliche as it may sound, I'm thankful for my family. They offer so much support to me through all the uncertainty of life, and all my crazy endeavors. I am blessed beyond belief to be surrounded by people who love me, because not everyone has that. And, of course, the family dog Toby, who is always excited to see me when I come home, and offers unconditional love.

I'm thankful for my jobs. I was incredibly blessed to be able to work at the Grand Cafe this summer, and build friendships with the people there. And it's an honor and a joy to be a Campus Assistant (tour guide!) at UW-Whitewater. It's not always easy, but it's always a lot of fun. It's not easy to find work these days, so I consider myself doubly blessed that not only was I able to find a job, but ones that I enjoy so much. And the vet clinic, which hopefully I'll be able to work at again soon, where I get to bestow my love for animals on willing recipients.

Being involved with InterVarsity is one of the things I'm most thankful for. I've learned so much from the individuals there. This year I'm an emcee, and being able to serve God and my chapter in that way has been phenomenal. I'm so excited for what this year is going to bring for the UWW IV chapter, and what God has already done. I am blessed to be a part of it!
And along with that, I am most thankful for God's mercy and grace, and the fact that He sent His Son to die for my sins. Every day brings new wonders, and I am constantly reminded of how much God loves me as He pours out His blessings on me, even though I don't deserve any of it.
To God be the glory.

And, last but not least, I'm thankful for the snow flurries today. I can't think of a more perfect way to start off the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

So, Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Here's to exciting new adventures, and making many more memories to be thankful for!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Dream Career

Undecided is the most popular major for incoming freshmen at UW Whitewater.
(And I'm sure a lot of other universities.)

It's about that time where I need to sit down and seriously consider what I want to pursue as my career. Or major, at the very least.
I've already ruled out a few options. Such as math. Or computer science. Or engineering. That's a step in the right direction...

Oh, what the heck. Maybe I'll just interview to become a sled dog after all.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Birthday Boy

Birthdays are always an exciting thing.
Today is my brother Caleb's birthday. Though he may not look like this anymore (I've grown up quite a bit too!), I thought it'd be a nice throwback to the good ol' days of cardboard box forts and carefree living.
And Mickey Mouse sweat suits.

It's hard to grow up and see your siblings head off in different directions. And it was especially hard for me to let go of Caleb. Not only is he closest in age to me, but we've been through a lot together. But I can't wish for what we once had; I have to look forward to all of the memories we're going to make in the future.

I didn't get to see the birthday boy today. But if, by chance, you see him, wish him happy birthday, and tell him I miss him.
'Cause I do.

Happy Birthday, bro.
May this year be filled with exciting new adventures.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Back to School

Remember when you were little, and that feeling you got the day before you went back to school? Excited to see all of your friends again, but nervous too, because although you'd gone through the drill before, it was a brand new year with brand new adventures, fears, and possibilities.

Well, that's how I'm feeling today.

Time to start my Sophomore year at Whitewater, and although I'm incredibly excited for what this year is going to bring, I've also got some pre-school jitters. Not only do classes start tomorrow, but I also start my job as a Campus Assistant, and I give my first official tour! Time to put my 2 weeks of training to good use.
But, I'd be lying if I said the thought of tomorrow didn't send butterflies flitting around my stomach.

I'm also coming to find that I put way too many things off until the last minute. Like getting my textbooks, for example, or organizing my room, stringing up Christmas lights, and practicing giving a tour.
Did I mention that I'm still trying to change my class schedule? 
Procrastination, it's a killer.

So, here's to the last day of my amazing summer, and the start of what looks to be an amazing 2nd year at Whitewater.

God bless us, every one!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Growing Up

It's crazy the places life takes you. It's been a year since I started at UW Whitewater, and now I'm back again. My whole world expanded, and I've met so many incredible people. Come the end of my freshman year, I thought I had grown up so much. This summer, my goal was to grow up even more. And it's funny looking back, because I see how much I still have to learn. For me, going home meant reverting back to being a child, and I didn't want to feel that way. But honestly, I have the most amazing parents, and they never gave me grief about being an independent college student. I am incredibly blessed.

I did grow up in some ways this summer. I didn't learn how to cook, go grocery shopping, and play the guitar like I wanted to, but I did learn other things. I worked a lot, and although being a server assistant in a restaurant is hard work, I loved it. It was intimidating at first, but I fell into place, and I also grew to love each and every one of my coworkers so much. Even though it wasn't always easy to love some of them, I tried to stay positive and encouraging. I hope they were able to see Jesus through me. Honestly, I miss it, which some might think is crazy, and maybe it is, but I know I got the job at the Grand Cafe for a reason. I learned a lot about hard work, and also about myself. I grew up in a different way than I was expecting, which is how life goes more often than not.

And now I'm back at school, training to be a Campus Assistant. This year I'll be a tour guide at UW Whitewater! This week has been jam-packed with information, and although it's a bit overwhelming now, I know I'm going to have a blast. My fellow CAs are amazing, and I'm so excited to be working with them. I mean, how often do you get the chance to play wheel chair basketball? Just sayin'.

Life may not always go the way you plan; my summer certainly had its ups and downs, but that just makes it more of an adventure. One thing I did learn is this: I'm only 19, and I don't have to grow up overnight. I still have plenty of time to figure things out, and sometimes, if need be, act like kid. Ultimately, I want to glorify God with everything I do with my life.

So, look out world. This sled dog is ready for her next adventure.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Chapter Focus Week

There's so much to be said about Chapter Focus Week, and yet I've put off writing about it for so long because it's difficult for me to find the words to do my experience justice. For starters, on May 12th, 11 individuals from InterVarsity - including me, but 13 including our staff - set out on an epic adventure to Cedar Campus in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. An 8 hour drive was the first step of our journey, and although I didn't get much sleep the night before, I drove my car with fearless tenacity the whole way. Luckily, I had a great group in my car that gave me lots of support. Good times.

Cedar Campus was absolutely beautiful, and the ladies and I were blessed with a cabin that had a bathroom connected to our room, a great view of the lake, and that was close to the Meeting Center. After arriving and having a few hours to settle in, we jumped right into the week. Now, I have to be honest - I didn't really want to go to CFW. I wasn't sure if I was going to walk away challenged, retreats come with a price tag, and I needed to work so I could pay for college. But at the last minute, everything fell into place so I could go, and I was determined to get the most out of it. For the week, we were separated into different "tracks." The members of our leadership team would meet together everyday to plan what InterVarsity would look like for the next school year. Those who were going to be small group leaders were in the small group leadership training track. I was in Mark I with 2 others from my InterVarsity chapter, and we went through and dissected the first 8 chapters of Mark. Talk about intense! I was never very good at manuscripting, which is a specific way of looking at the text and picking it apart (focusing on who, what, when, where, and how, and spotting any references to other parts of Scripture - we were provided colored pencils so we could color code our findings), so I was incredibly intimidated. Not to mention we were split up into 6 tables, and our table made up our small group for us to share and discuss with. I was way out of my comfort zone, but God knew that was exactly what I needed. Throughout the week, the overarching theme we focused on in Mark was Jesus' authority, and how that authority should have an affect on the way we live our lives.

In the large group meetings, our speaker Rick taught on Moses. He connected it to us by saying that Moses was destined for greatness but he didn't know it - we, on the other hand, know that God is getting us ready for greatness. After all, there are no insignificant roles in God's big picture. We need to find our identity in Christ and be faithful, humble, and willing to take risks.

Now, something that my chapter does that I absolutely loved was "Secret Encouragers." The first night we were there we all drew names, and we got to encourage that person all week. People came up with some creative ways to secretly encourage, and I know I had a blast with it. But my secret encourager blew me away by drawing me this picture. Sled dogs, of course, hold a special place in my heart, and this picture is such a great reminder to me that I have to obey my Master and follow His direction. Not only was this picture an encouragement and a challenge, but it also serves as a great reminder to all the things I learned during CFW, and how I grew so much closer with all the individuals that went.
Every night we had "chapter time," to meet up and catch everybody up on what we were learning in our tracks and see what thoughts our leadership team had for next year. There were plenty of laughs shared, but we also got incredibly vulnerable with one another. God moved. He broke our hearts for our campus. He challenged us to be intentional with our summers. And for me personally, He taught me to not write people off as being too far out of His reach. I was face-to-face with someone I had known from before, and I knew wasn't a Christian before, but it was amazing seeing the transformation, and God convicted me of how easy it is to give up on people. But even though we might give up on people, God doesn't, because of His great love for us!

After a week like this, it was hard to leave and say goodbye. I had an amazing time and learned so much. I'm excited for what the future holds. God is awesome. Life is an epic adventure.

Some highlights from the week: running into my small group leader Hannah from Summit, the girls serenading the boys cabin with "I'll Make a Man Out of You," hiking to Gnome Rock, hiking Narnia trail, being prayed for by my track leader, having group time out on the Floating Bear (the pontoon boat) one night despite the cold, being a rebel and going to the other side of the lake with Justin to eat dinner our last night, and jamming out in the party car.

With that, there's only one thing left to say...
Go team.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

We've all had them. Those terrible, horrible, no good, very bad days, where one not-so-good thing domino effects into a whole list of other things, which ends in a bad day. Mine started with dropping two glasses of water off of a tray at work. The first two glasses I broke on the job. But not only did I spill water all over myself, I also spilled water into my apron pocket, where my phone happened to be residing. Not a whole lot of water, mind you. But apparently enough so that when I checked it later, it had black screened and read me the message "USB Download Mode." I promptly took the battery out to find a few drops of water, which I knew was going to be a bad sign. After I got home from a long day at work, I threw my phone in rice, hoping it would come back to life - before my phone had short-circuited, I saw that I had text messages and voicemails waiting for my attention.

Needless to say, it's been a long day. There's been tears, and fervent prayers, and telling myself how stupid I am, and researching online to see if anyone else had the solution to my problem, and going to the Verizon store with my dad to see if there was anything they could do, and more tears... You never realize how much you need something until it's no longer available. I find my reliance on technology somewhat pathetic after something like this happens. I shouldn't be so attached to an inanimate object that it causes me to shed tears. But unless some sort of miracle happens, everything I had on that phone is lost: all my pictures, and text messages that had sentimental value. I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do.

The one good thing that did come out of this circumstance is I got to spend time with my dad. He calmed me down when I was upset over my phone, took me to the Verizon store, went shopping with me at Wal-Mart, and then came over to the house I'm dogsitting at to watch a movie with me. Since I won't see too much of him tomorrow on Father's Day, I enjoyed our time together. Thank you, dad, for always looking out for me.

Well, there's gotta be a silver lining to this situation somewhere. I just gotta trust that God will work this all out for His glory. Until then, I have a husky literally laying in my lap during a thunderstorm. I knew sled dogs made the best cuddle buddies.

It also happens to be my dear friend Kelly's birthday today. Happy Birthday, darlin'. May God bless you abundantly in the coming year!

Friday, May 11, 2012

See You Soon

I can't believe it. My freshman year of college is coming to a close.
I turned in my last assignment last night - I'm officially done!
I still remember move-in day, with all its uncertainty and excitement, and now I'm packing up and moving out. The beginning of the year feels like ages ago, and yet like it was just yesterday, all at the same time. And people keep telling me that every year after this continues to get faster. Not quite sure what to think about that.
Two years ago, I never thought I would be at Whitewater. But here I am! And this year has been absolutely wonderful. Sure, it's had its fair share of drama, tears, stress, and lack of sleep. But there's also been laughter, joy, excitement, and adventure. I've met some incredible people, and I don't know what I'm going to do without them this summer.
Also, the men of Whitewater took me by surprise these past couple weeks and have been opening doors left and right! I am blessed and impressed.
I've had so many adventures these past few weeks as I enjoyed the short time I had left of my freshman year in Whitewater. From sleepovers, to late night walks, to snuggling with puppies, to secluded riverside lookouts, to jumping over waist-high lamp posts, to how-to-drive-a-manual-car lessons (I dare say, if picking a major doesn't pan out and I run out of options, I could teach a driver's ed course on driving stickshift) - I wouldn't trade it for anything.
Not to mention, I got to room with my best friend. Some cautioned us that it might not work, but I think we made out just fine! We're rooming together next year, so that's a good sign, right?
My dad will be here soon to move me out, and I'll only be home briefly before I head up to the UP for Chapter Focus Week with InterVarsity. I'm excited - it's going to be amazing.
So that means saying goodbye to the campus I've fallen in love with, my room, my friends, and to my freshman year. Some of the goodbyes will be harder than others.
Goodbye, Benson 329. We've had a good run.
And freshman year, I've learned a lot - I've grown so much, and I'm excited for what next year's going to bring.
To the rest of you, however, this isn't goodbye - I've never been very good at goodbyes. But this is, simply...

See you soon.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

My Hat

Some of you may already know the story behind my sled dog hat, but for those of you who don't, it's about time you did!
Trust me, it's a good one.
This dates back to December 4th (or 5th, if you want to get picky). It was a Sunday, and I had a huge amount of reading to get done for English. After church, I went to the library and literally spent the rest of the day there. Around 12:15am I got back to my room, exhausted. Sitting on my desk was a Wal-Mart bag, which I assumed was some of my belongings that had gotten moved around on the floor that my roommate Emily had picked up and set on my desk. Upon closer inspection, I found a note attached to the bag that read:
"Cora, Stay warm like Balto during your favorite time of the year. Merry Christmas."
No name.
I opened the bag, incredibly confused, and discovered a sled dog hat. Sitting there. 
Meant just for me.
I was dumbstruck. I looked at Emily and asked where it had come from. She told me that someone had knocked on the door earlier, and when they didn't come in when she called, she got up to open the door and found the bag sitting there.
I'll be honest - I burst into tears. I definitely did not feel like I deserved such a thoughtful and amazing gift! I am so.incredibly.blessed.

To this day, I still don't know who my mysterious benefactor is. But I'm ok with that. 
The magic is in the mystery.
However, if the giver of this phenomenal gift happens to be reading this...
Thank you.
From the bottom of my heart.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Wedding Bells

It's about time I blogged about it.
2 weeks ago today, two of my favorite people in the whole world got engaged! Chris proposed to Carolyn on her golden birthday - so sweet! I couldn't be happier for them.
Chris has basically been a part of the family since I was 3, so I'm thrilled to officially be able to call him my brother in the near future.

I am so blessed to have Carolyn and Chris in my life. They've always been incredibly supportive of me, and made every effort to be actively involved in my life. They lead by example, and I am so proud to call them family!

So I'll keep this short and sweet, but I just wanted the world to know how excited I am!
Here's to you, Carolyn and Chris, setting out on your next big adventure!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Saved by Grace

It's hard to find the words to talk about today, Good Friday, which represents the day Jesus died on the cross for my sins. And the sins of the world.
Because of His great love.
He suffered, bled, and died - the punishment and fate that should have been mine.
I can't even begin to understand a love like that.
His death changed everything. (Not only His death, but His resurrection as well. But that's a subject for Sunday.) We are no longer separated from God, Who loves us so deeply and longs for a relationship with us. John 3:16 comes to mind: "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."
I've done nothing to deserve a love like that. Which is what makes Christ's action so amazing - because of His death, I need only to repent of my sins and accept Him as my Lord and Savior, and He extends His grace to me, despite my imperfection.

As I drove out to meet some friends for dinner, there was a cloud in the sky (see it?) that reminded me of two things.
What first came to mind was a dove, which reminded me of Matthew 3:16-17: "As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, 'This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.'"
As I looked at the "dove" in the sky, I thought of what it would have been like to be in the crowd that saw this happen, and how incredible it must have been.
The second thing I thought it looked like (which might take a slight stretch of the imagination) was a cross. After all, it is Good Friday.
Jesus sacrificed Himself for me on that cross to pay the price for my sins.
And because I can't come up with anything profound to say, listen to this song.
Another song that's been running through my head all day is this one. Give it a listen, too.

All in all, today is an incredibly humbling day.

So if you're ever feeling unloved or unlovable, remember this:
Jesus thinks you're to die for.
And He did.

Since Christ sacrificed everything for me, how am I living my life to glorify Him in everything I do?
I want to live my life with intention.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Camping Adventures

I'm taking a break from my homework to blog. It's been a while.
And, let's be honest. I would much rather blog than do homework.
(I thought I was getting better at not procrastinating. I guess not.)
This past weekend, to finish off my spring break I went camping with friends from InterVarsity. And might I say, it was the most relaxing part of my whole break. It was cold, there's no denying that. But the friends that were there made it totally worth it. No electricity, no running water, but plenty of good conversation and a whole lot of fun.
Thanks, Joey, for planning the whole thing!
Trying to sleep Friday night was an adventure in and of itself. Thank God for Hot Hands - the little packet warmers, and the body warmers that stick to your shirt and last for 12 hours...or more! Toe warmers were not discovered until Saturday when we made a run to the gas station to get more Hot Hands packets. We all survived the chilly night though, and Megan, Katherine and I made up for it Saturday night by zipping two sleeping bags together to create a giant sleeping bag - perfect for snuggling. One of my favorite parts of the whole camping experience.
Camping highlights: roasting hot dogs over the fire, making s'mores, playing guitar and singing at the top of our lungs, worship around the campfire, awesome God conversations, playing Scattergories and Clue, singing lullabies to the camp, and letting Kaleb and Dan practice their stick shift driving skills on my car.
There were a lot of fun parts to this camping trip. But these were the highlights.
Then it was back to Whitewater to get ready for the final stretch of the semester.

Biggest regret of my spring break?
Not doing any homework.
Which means tonight, and tomorrow night, and possibly Saturday night as well, I will be up til 4 or 5 in the morning trying to get this stuff done.
5 weeks left? 
I can do this.

Also, I'd like to give a shout out to my big brother Kyle, whose birthday is today.
Happy Birthday, bro! 
I hope it was as amazing as you are.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Lasting Memories

It's been 3 years since my grandpa passed away. It's strange, how time can slip by so quickly. Today I want to dedicate my blog post to him.
One thing I miss most about my grandpa is his stories. My grandpa was the best storyteller. I loved listening to him tell stories of his life growing up on the farm, or being in the Air Force. Even if I had heard the story before, it didn't matter - I always wanted to hear it told again. My grandpa's words possessed a sort of magic. He would draw you in and paint a picture in your head, and it was as if I could actually see the story unfolding in front of me. It was easy to get my grandpa to tell stories. I think he enjoyed telling them as much as I did listening to them.
There was one of two greetings I would receive when I went over to visit my grandpa: "How the heck are ya?" or "Hey there, good lookin'!"
Mood brightener. Automatically.

The summer before my grandpa passed away, I would go over and ride the stationary bike in his basement. (We lived right next-door, so it was just a short walk through the backyard.) I'd plug in my headphones and sing at the top of my lungs to keep myself motivated.
Didn't know that my grandpa would listen from the top of the stairs.
He'd had a stroke, which paralyzed him on his right side, so he was wheelchair bound.
He brought it up one time when I came over for a visit. I was rather embarrassed, but he told me, "No, Cora, I love it. Come over anytime and ride the bike and sing."
Once school started back up, I didn't really have time to go over and ride the bike and sing. He would bring it up from time to time, but he never pushed it.
Come January, his health was deteriorating, and by March he was headed downhill fast. The night before he died, I went over to see him, and my uncle was there and told me he didn't think my grandpa was going to make it through the night. I cried. I wasn't ready to let him go. But the thing I regretted most was since the summer, I hadn't had the chance to sing to him. I begged God to let me sing for him one last time before he died. My dad and uncle left me alone to say goodbye, and I had my chance. I held his hand, choked back tears and sobs, and sang him "I'll Fly Away."
Probably one of the saddest and hardest moments of my life, but it's a memory I will always hold onto and never forget.
He passed away several hours later.

RIP Grandpa Uebele. I love and miss you. Very much.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Love That Dog

This is perhaps one of my favorite parts about going home.
I love seeing my family, of course. But there's just something about a dog. It may have something to do with me wanting to be one when I was little...
I can always count on Toby to be excited to see me, no matter how long I've been gone for. Good days and bad days, the fluffy, feisty Toby is there, barking and ready to be held.
Love him.
I went home to work this past weekend, and boy was it busy! I love working at a vet clinic, but it has its share of craziness too.
My dad was visiting my sister Catherine in Seattle, so I got to housesit and take care of Toby - we had some good bonding time. He didn't exactly join in when I blasted my music and danced around the house, but I think he enjoyed the company.
I got to visit with friends from high school Friday night - always fun to catch up!
My sister Carolyn came up from Chicago on Saturday, and we went to Lake Geneva with my mom and enjoyed the beautiful weather. We walked on the beach, and Carolyn even braved it in the water for a photo. It was so nice spending quality time with them. A great way to end an extremely crazy and busy week!
Now, it's back to school to finish off one more week before Spring Break! I must say, I'm rather excited. I hope this weather keeps up!

I'll end with some things that I'm thankful for: when the weather is warm enough that my car's blinker turns off by itself, surprise blessings in the mail, family, friends, dogs, the end of group projects, and homework-breaks to play guitar.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

It's a Beautiful Life

I'll be honest: this coming week is probably going to be the busiest week of my entire life.
Am I ready for it?
I have no idea.
But let's forget about that for a moment. I had a blast this past weekend. Friday night I went swing dancing in Madison with some friends from InterVarsity, and it was just as epic as I remembered! I laughed and smiled so much that it hurt to smile by the end of the night. I can't remember the last time that's happened.
Saturday I visited my brother Kyle and my lovely sister-in-law Andrea. It's always nice to catch up and hang out with family. It's never easy to leave, though.
Today we leapt forward into Spring! That means more sunshine to enjoy. And the weather today was gorgeous. Too bad I was inside working on a paper. Group projects are the bane of my existence. This next week is supposed to be even more beautiful, and I'm looking forward to it!
To add to the excitement, I found out on Friday that I was selected to be a Campus Assistant! That means next year I'll be giving tours around the Whitewater Campus! It was an intense interview process, and I'm overjoyed to have been selected. I think it's going to be an amazing experience. So excited!
Friday was perhaps not the best day concerning my car, though. I have a tire that's leaking air, so after fighting to fill that up (which meant scrounging for quarters and having to trade two dimes and a nickel at the cash register at the gas station), I hit the license plate that was being held on by zip-ties, and one of the zip-ties broke. So now my license plate is being held on by masking tape. Super cute.
Oh. And here's my two cents for the night: if you ever park in a parking garage, don't lose your parking ticket. Paying $20 for what should have been $4 is not cool. Thank God for friends though!

Even though life is crazy, it's still beautiful.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Not-So-Glorious Moments

Last week was filled with many things, many of which, sadly to say, were not my most glorious moments.
For example, I skipped my first class ever in college so far on Tuesday to go help with my high school's forensics meet. I felt like such a rebel.
I was given the honor of mediating an argument between 2nd graders on Thursday.
Was I ever that dramatic?
Friday, I woke up at 8:58 for my 8:50 class. Got ready in 4 minutes and made it to class by 9:10. First class I've ever been late to.
After my 3 hour CA interview on Friday, my car didn't want to back out of its parking spot because of all the snow, so the kind man in the car next to me first tried to help by pushing my car, and then ended up moving his own car so I could get out. Bless his heart.
Saturday, I lost my favorite pair of gloves at the UC and was pretty bummed. 
(But I checked the Lost & Found today, and they have been FOUND!! Such a blessing!)
I woke up Sunday and did not feel well at all, so I went right back to bed. Great decision. I only left the room about 7 times.
And today... Today was a good day. Sure, I'm still battling a cold. And I have homework and group projects that are demanding my attention. But the sun was shining, and the promise of Spring is in the air.

To the sneeze that has been taunting my nose all day, yet refuses to come out...
It's on.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

.Leap Day.

Some days just have a sense of magic to them.
Even when you're running on 4 1/2 hours of sleep.
When I woke up this morning, the sun was shining, and the weather was just gorgeous. Couldn't help but smile. However, it didn't take long before the rain and sleet came rolling in. But that's ok. Joy still bubbled up in my heart as I thanked God for all of His wonderful blessings.
Today being February 29th, I felt giddy. I don't really remember what this day felt like last time it came around, but there's something special about a day that you have to wait 4 years for.
These past few weeks have been incredible. I love seeing God working in my life, and in the lives of those around me. Each and every day is an opportunity to learn more about Him, and I just can't get enough! I am so blessed. Even though life has been busy - rewriting lyrics to the tune of Justin Bieber's "Baby" for my CA interview introduction, working on 2 group projects, studying for exams, going home to help with my high school's forensics meet, and somewhere in there finding time to sleep - I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. I know I'm here for a reason. There's magic in ordinary days.
So, another thing that made today special was my dad came up to Whitewater and took me out to eat before we went and saw the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra. I loved spending time with my dad and listening to some amazing instrumentalists. It helped that we were in the second row, front and center.
Up close and personal.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


I had an amazing weekend. And now, it's coming to a close.
I went to Camp Wakonda with InterVarsity, and it was such a good break from the hustle and bustle of college life. I learned so much about my relationship with God, and was challenged to pursue the relationship that I have with Him to a far deeper level.
This weekend, I was able to strengthen current friendships and build new ones. I love how even small adventures, which may seem insignificant to some, can create lasting memories. It's in those moments that I remember that life is grand.
Another thing that happened this weekend is I rediscovered my love for stars. I've always loved stargazing, but I forgot what a glittering night sky can look like when you remove light pollution.
Absolutely stunning.
I was able to go out and walk under a canopy of stars and just talk to God.
I love how God reveals His glory to us through the numerous amount of stars that fill the vast night sky. I am blessed.
Although it's hard to let go of a weekend like this one, I know life must go on. After all, I can't go on new adventures if I try to hold tight to past moments. It just doesn't work that way.

If you get a chance, listen to this song. Can't get it out of my head!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Be Mine

It's been a long day.
From a restless night's sleep, to a pain-filled Bio lecture, to reading with 2nd graders, to a surprise lunch date with my big brother Kyle, to a canceled class, to a group project, to an interview, to a dinner date with my Valentine Kaitlin, to worship practice, and then everything in between... 
Yeah, I'm ready for bed.
But still, it's been a good day! Even though it's not always easy, I love life. I am continually reminded of how blessed I truly am.

Happy Valentine's Day!
Thank you to everyone who wished me the same!
Remember, God made you special, and He loves you very much!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Slowing Down

This weekend did not go as I had planned.Yesterday as I was getting my stuff out of my car after work, I twisted my back wrong, which spiraled me into a night of pain and tears. At first I thought I just needed to stretch it out - when that wasn't working, I took some Tylenol and got some ice, only to ultimately end up bawling on the kitchen floor after my dad asked me what was wrong. I hate being in pain. That's probably a silly thing to say, because NO ONE likes being in pain, but I feel like I especially do not handle pain well. I really had no idea what exactly was wrong or what had happened. But I couldn't (and still can't) bend at the hips at all without being in excruciating pain, and I hobble around like an old lady. I spent the rest of the night alternating between an ice pack and a heating pad, hoping that it would provide some relief. No such luck. I woke up this morning thinking I would feel better after a night's rest, but if anything, it was worse. I had to call into work, which I absolutely hate doing, and I waited around all morning until my chiropractor appointment.

Praise God I was able to get into see him, because it turns out that two of the vertebrae in my lower back were out of alignment. (Side note: I usually love driving stick shift, but let me tell you, I hated every minute of driving stick down to the chiropractor's office.) Sometimes I wonder if I really am in as much pain as I think I am, or if I'm just being a baby about it, so it was a relief to know that I wasn't just imagining things, and there was something he could do to fix it. He cracked my back into alignment, and then told me I really needed to come in for a follow up. Which means I'll be missing a class for the first time in my college career on Monday. Rebel student that I am... But I am really happy to know that there's something that can be done to make my back better. And my dad got me an early Valentine's Day present (love him!!) to cheer me up.

I wasn't able to get as much done today as I had planned to. Funny how that works. But in reality, even though it's never convenient to get injured or sick, I think sometimes God allows it to happen so we can take some time to slow down and relax. I feel like I've just been running, running, running for the past 4 weeks, and today I was forced to lay down and rest because I literally couldn't get up and do anything else. I can't say I'm thrilled with being in pain, but at least I was able to get something out of it. Also, I now can empathize much better with anyone who suffers from chronic back pain, like my mom. To all you valiant souls, I don't know how you do it. So, I got to end my day with cookies, white mocha, and Chariots of Fire with my dad. Though I can't say this has been the best day ever, I do think it's one that I'm not going to forget anytime soon.

I'm not telling you this to make you feel sorry for me. I don't want your pity - this could have happened to anyone. If you'd like to say a prayer for me, awesome, I'd really appreciate it. But I just wanted to share a bit of what's going on in my life, in truth. My life is far from perfect, but still, it's the only one I've got.

Friday, February 3, 2012

.Solemn Reflection.

5 years ago today, two of my friends, Shane and Taylor,
died in a car accident.
At 14, this was my first experience with the death of someone close to me. It's so easy to think that something like this will never happen to you. That the people you see on a daily basis and know so well couldn't possibly meet a tragic end, because that only happens to other people, or in the movies.
But it's not true.
Ecclesiastes 9 tells us that time and chance happen to us all. The world we live in is not perfect, and thus the things we experience in life will not always be joyous; sometimes, storms do come, and the pain can be unbearable.

I don't know why this happened. But I do know that Romans 8:28 tells us this: "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." God can use even the most painful and devastating circumstances to draw people into His Kingdom. Grief can be crippling, but it is in those moments that God teaches us to fully rely on His strength. 
This tragedy was a wake-up call for me. Life is short. So often I take the numerous blessings in my life for granted. I waste the time that I've been given pursuing trivial and meaningless things. Each day is a precious gift. Every moment that goes by is one that I can't get back. I want this realization to reflect in the way I live my life, in the way I treat people, whether it be an old friend or a new acquaintance.
Thank you, God, for teaching me this, even though I had to learn it through the loss of Shane and Taylor.

Remind the people around you that you love and appreciate them.
Tomorrow might be too late.

R.I.P. Shane

R.I.P. Taylor

My thoughts and prayers go out to the families of Shane and Taylor. May the Lord bless you and keep you.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Groundhog Day

A year ago today, this was the view out my front door.
Toby's face says it all.
Crazy, huh?
We were snowed in, quite literally.

As I walked around today, instead of being surrounded by 4 feet of snow, brown grass and fog were what awaited me outdoors. And some sad and muddy looking piles of snow.
Which leads me to this question:
If Punxsutawney Phil predicts 6 more weeks of winter, 
when is the next snow storm gonna hit?

Now, back to the overwhelming pile of homework I took a break from to blog.
I need to grow out of my procrastinating ways.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


It's the last day of January.

Crazy how fast a month can fly by! I'm only into my third week of the semester, yet it feels like it's been so much longer.

One of my New Year's Resolutions is to better organize my time, so lately I've been gung ho about to-do lists. Because February begins tomorrow, I flipped my calendar and began jotting in typical schedule fillers: appointments, due dates, birthdays (my sister Catherine - love her!), work schedule. Within a matter of minutes, a blank slate turned into a full one. My, oh my. Looks like it's gonna be a busy month!
Hopefully I won't miss anything, now that I'm beginning to be so organized!

Speaking of the last day of January, isn't it beautiful outside today?! I'm a winter girl, so I try not to complain about the cold, but I can't say no to a day like this! Absolutely gorgeous! 
Couldn't help grinning.

Also, this song has been stuck in my head as of late. I'd like to learn how to play it on guitar someday soon! Check it out.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

.Good Life.

Today was a good day.

I woke up at 6am (which is the earliest I've gotten up in a LONG time) in order to get ready and make it to the bus on time to go to the first forensics meet of the season with my old high school. It was strange not feeling those pre-performance nerves that usually accompanied such a morning. Instead, I walked around with my puppy chow and tried to psych up the team. I was nicknamed the Team Mom. Kinda fun. I sure did feel like it. Walking around at the meet, I was overcome with nostalgia, and I wanted Allison and Erin, the best teammates a girl could ask for, with me to share the moment with. Forensics had to be one of the best experiences of my high school career, and it made all the difference having my two best friends to share the memories with. Being Group Interp Conference Champs two years in a row was a pretty great feeling, not gonna lie! I got to step foot in the judges' room, which was foreign territory. But I had such a wonderful time hanging out with my coaches, Mr. Nie and Ms. Twohig, and I was so proud of the Burlington High School team!! So much potential for this year - it's gonna be a great season!

My afternoon wasn't very eventful. I took a nap, which was most welcome. I ended my day with 2 hours of Spanish homework and watching Captain America with my mama. I enjoyed the latter over the former.

Now, sleep seems like a great idea for my next big adventure.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Keeping Tradition

-Puppy Chow-
When I was on the forensics team in high school, I loved making puppy chow for as many meets as I could. It was always fun to have something to snack on and share with my teammates during down time.
Well, since I'll be tagging along to the forensics festival tomorrow to assist in any way I can, I thought it would only be fitting to make some to bring and share. After all, a forensics competition can make for a high-stress situation, and what better way to calm those nerves than by munching on puppy chow?
I thought it was a good idea.
Needless to say, I'm excited.

I may or may not have helped myself to a piece or two of this delicious snack...
I couldn't help it. But can you blame me?

Friday, January 20, 2012

Smushed by Semis

It never fails that every time I drive home from Whitewater to work on the weekends that I become surrounded by semis. 11 o'clock must be rush hour for semis or something, because I lose track of how many I pass and how many happen to sandwich me during the 45 minute drive. Now, although I dearly love my trusty little Civic, I don't think we'd win if we faced off with a semi. Just sayin'.

Anyways, my week happens to be one of those that feels an awful lot like being sandwiched by semis. It's always hard to get back in the swing of school, but this week was especially tough. I'm not trying to complain, I assure you. Simply making a connection between my week and a situation I often find myself in on my drives. I already mentioned my Spanish class, so I won't get into that again. My school week was bookended by snow fall (which I love!), and was filled with the ups and downs of emotions in myself and in others. Life has its share of twists and turns, that's for sure.

Today was a jam-packed day, filled with waking up early to finish and review some Spanish homework, getting called upon with the two lovely ladies I sit with in comm class to discuss the societal benefits of communication, discovering snow flurrying down from the sky when I walked out of class even though I was cutting it close to hurry home to make it to work on time, staying at work a little longer to help hold a dog that needed its ears cleaned and then finding joy in brushing snow off of cars afterwards, and battling (and conquering!) a fierce headache. Adventures of varying degrees left and right. Shazam.

What will tomorrow bring?
Guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Being Brave

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” 
- Winston S. Churchill

I'll admit it: I've never been a very brave individual. I can't even think of a time when I've risked complete failure. I like playing it safe, which means avoiding risk at all cost. In school and classes, in my faith, in relationships, in trying new things... The list goes on. With the start of a new year, I've done a lot of soul searching as far as how I want to grow and better myself goes. It's somewhat painful to look back on last year in hindsight and see how different things could have been had I simply been willing to risk more. Praise God that His grace is sufficient to cover all my shortcomings!

I won't discredit my hard work in high school and say I settled for easy classes (because let me tell you, I worked my tail off in some of those classes), but I think I shortchanged myself by not risking failure and taking classes that would have challenged me even more than the handful that did. I took a lot of classes with only the grade in mind, not the overall knowledge I would take away. So here I am, in college, finding out that some classes are going to stretch me until I just might break. My Spanish 321 class, in particular, which I only just started today. I took four years of Spanish in high school, and yet I doubt all of the knowledge I gleaned from those years. Last night as I was freaking out and contemplating dropping down to the next lowest course just so it would be less of a challenge, some friends counseled me that I wouldn't be the only one in that class that was unsure, and that God put me in that class for a reason, and that it would all turn out all right. And it was then that I realized my biggest fear in taking that class was risking failure. But I know that as long as I work hard, I will be okay. I'm sick of sitting on the sidelines, wishing that I could be like the other brave souls out there who don't care if they make a mistake and what others might think of them.

I love this quote from You've Got Mail: "Sometimes I wonder about my life. I lead a small life - well, valuable, but small - and sometimes I wonder, do I do it because I like it, or because I haven't been brave? So much of what I see reminds me of something I read in a book, when shouldn't it be the other way around?" I want my life to be memorable and matter - I don't want to look back in 20 years and regret not trying my best and putting myself out there, even if it meant that I might fail. Which brings me to another quote I absolutely love from Batman Begins:

"And why do we fall, Bruce? So that we can learn to pick ourselves up."