Friday, August 24, 2012

Growing Up

It's crazy the places life takes you. It's been a year since I started at UW Whitewater, and now I'm back again. My whole world expanded, and I've met so many incredible people. Come the end of my freshman year, I thought I had grown up so much. This summer, my goal was to grow up even more. And it's funny looking back, because I see how much I still have to learn. For me, going home meant reverting back to being a child, and I didn't want to feel that way. But honestly, I have the most amazing parents, and they never gave me grief about being an independent college student. I am incredibly blessed.

I did grow up in some ways this summer. I didn't learn how to cook, go grocery shopping, and play the guitar like I wanted to, but I did learn other things. I worked a lot, and although being a server assistant in a restaurant is hard work, I loved it. It was intimidating at first, but I fell into place, and I also grew to love each and every one of my coworkers so much. Even though it wasn't always easy to love some of them, I tried to stay positive and encouraging. I hope they were able to see Jesus through me. Honestly, I miss it, which some might think is crazy, and maybe it is, but I know I got the job at the Grand Cafe for a reason. I learned a lot about hard work, and also about myself. I grew up in a different way than I was expecting, which is how life goes more often than not.

And now I'm back at school, training to be a Campus Assistant. This year I'll be a tour guide at UW Whitewater! This week has been jam-packed with information, and although it's a bit overwhelming now, I know I'm going to have a blast. My fellow CAs are amazing, and I'm so excited to be working with them. I mean, how often do you get the chance to play wheel chair basketball? Just sayin'.

Life may not always go the way you plan; my summer certainly had its ups and downs, but that just makes it more of an adventure. One thing I did learn is this: I'm only 19, and I don't have to grow up overnight. I still have plenty of time to figure things out, and sometimes, if need be, act like kid. Ultimately, I want to glorify God with everything I do with my life.

So, look out world. This sled dog is ready for her next adventure.